is a platform dedicated to listing job opportunities. Our business may be centered on vacancies, but jobs aren’t the ultimate purpose of life. Let’s look at some numbers: on average, a person will work 36.9 years. Given a life expectancy around 80 years in the developed world, that’s nearly half a lifetime spent working.
Whenever I attend a job fair, I find myself asking:
While work provides structure and meaning, especially for the young audience that frequently visits our site, I believe we should also consider creating our own "job opportunities." Yes, remote work has its perks, but imagine working for yourself, on your terms.
I’ve come across Bryan Johnson, a multi-millionaire with a bold vision to live indefinitely — or, as he calls it, to be a "life athlete." He’s investing enormous resources into staying healthy and, in a sense, building his own "job opportunities" for the long haul. Though unconventional, he has some compelling arguments for health, balance, and self-driven goals.
Johnson suggests that:
Yes, attend job fairs. Yes, work remotely if it suits you. But remember, time is limited. Whatever you choose to pursue, remember that work isn’t everything. You need a written goal that gives your life direction — not just something broad like “being happy” but a concrete aim that drives you forward. Even if you don’t achieve it, the journey itself adds purpose and meaning to your life.
In the end, jobs are just one part of life. The true challenge lies in creating something fulfilling that aligns with your vision.