eujobs.coEU jobs in brussels
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How We're Beating Eurobrussels


Eurobrussels is a job board that started in 2001. Initially, they specialized in European affairs jobs, but later expanded to cover EU institutions, policy, data protection, and legal jobs (such as law firms). Despite making over a million euros annually, they've failed to build a strong social media presence and haven't leveraged their data to track successful candidates.

So, how are we going to beat Eurobrussels?

We're leveraging our communications and digital skills as a startup. Here's how:

  1. Cheaper job postings: It costs €2,000 to post on Eurobrussels, while our website offers postings for only €200. They can't compete with us on price.
  2. Lean organization: We're a much leaner operation, as we've outlined in our article on Euractiv Jobs (Read here).
  3. Faster payment options: Brussels lacks a job board with a two-click payment solution. Eurobrussels only accepts bank transfers, as do our other competitors like Euractiv Jobs.
  4. Competing in legal jobs: We're targeting their core revenue areas, such as legal jobs (EHS law, law firms, and more).
  5. Keyword dominance: We've taken control of key search terms, including "Eurobrussels" itself, as well as phrases like "main responsibilities", "law firms", "legal firms", "researching EHS law", and more.

Our Competitive Edge

One of our biggest advantages over Eurobrussels is that, much like we discussed in our Euractiv Jobs article, we offer a better product that is always more affordable.

Lastly our technical competence gives us a edge over competition, especially when it comes to recruitment in the European union (international relations and all the different policy areas such as trade, energy, transport, and education).

By 2025, we aim to be the largest job board for EU policy, law firms, legal jobs, and EU institutions. Hopefully some successful candidate or happy law firms will mention us!